The Queen's Knickers
By Nicholas Allan

Nicholas Allan commented “A musical of ‘The Queen's Knickers’ should be one of sheer fun. The book has been a big seller for over twenty-five years: the combined subjects of Royalty and under-wear of great curiosity to young children.
The original, award winning, book explores the Queen’s fashions with a cheeky wink to childish humour- “Everyone can see the Queen’s smart coats and dresses, but what does she wear under-neath? Through the eyes of a little girl hoping for a school visit by the Queen, the range of royal underwear is revealed, in all its regal glory” This new adaptation, by permission of Nicholas Allan, will see the same creative team come together including artistic director James Worthington directing and writing the book, Kate Lindsey on lyrics, Laura Bulless as choreographer, Jason Burns working on Orchestration and David Law as scenic designer.